Saturday 6 March 2021

Vax Fax

There is a misconception that getting a Covid-19 vaccination stops you catching the disease. It does not. It is not designed to do so. What it does is prime your body's weapons to be ready to move on the virus quickly and cut it off at the pass. As soon as the virus invades, the antibodies, B-cells and T-cells in your alerted immune system will instantly leap into action and descend in force to neutralise it and render it harmless. It is given no chance to multiply inside your cells and wreak havoc around your body. Your symptoms, if any, will be mild and will soon disappear. But you have to 'catch' it first before your immune system can send it packing.

A vaccination has the following beneficial effects:

  • It reduces the number of serious cases needing medical intervention
  • It minimises the viral load in those infected and reduces transmission in the community
  • It can be targeted at those most at risk
It has the same effect on the unvaccinated as catching the disease and recovering. Immunity confers protection against dangerous consequences of becoming infected but not from being initially and very mildly infected when exposed.