Saturday 6 June 2020

Covid Analysis Apps

The Covid Symptom Tracker described below now has nearly 4 million contributors. Scientists at King's College London are using it to identify (i) high-risk areas in the UK, (ii) who is most at risk, by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions and (iii) how fast the virus is spreading in your area. The more people who join, the more useful the data. Your daily report takes only 15 seconds - tap, tap, tap! Please sign up if you have not already done so.

Another app that is gathering covid-related research data has longer term goals. It is called Covidence UK and is led by Queen Mary London in a consortium of 6 Higher Education Institutions from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

People aged 16 years or older, from all parts of the UK and from all walks of life, are invited to sign up and fill in an online questionnaire with details about their lifestyle and health.

Participants will then be contacted every month to check if they have developed any symptoms of coronavirus disease, and to ask some follow-up questions about participants' more general health and social circumstances.

The data they collect will be analysed in order to:

  • advance understanding of risk factors for coronavirus disease among UK adults
  • find out how quickly people recover from coronavirus disease and whether there are any long-term complications of this illness
  • evaluate the impact of coronavirus disease on the physical, mental and economic wellbeing of the UK population
  • establish a platform for future research on coronavirus disease in the UK.

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