Friday 14 January 2022

Corrida de Toros

 The bull has left his pen and is in the ring, the spectators are in their seats, baying for blood, a whole nation of them in front of their TVs rather than behind the barrera, The banderilleros have done their preliminary softening-up: the 100 tories voting against the Government’s whipped proposal for covid passports. The arch-picador is drip-feeding the news media with damaging stories about boozy parties in No 10’s garden during lockdowns, If the bull is sufficiently weakened and ready for the matador to drive his sword into his aorta of power, who might deliver the coup de grâce? Could it be a rich donor, like Baron Bamford threatening to withhold his millions? Or perhaps a majority of Tory rebels worried about losing their seats? Or even those spectators, due to cast (or withhold) their votes in May? There’s no time to lose. The next contender is already in the pen.

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