"ICE SHEETS A BRUTE" is an anagram of "BECAUSE ITS THERE", and this explains the answer to the clue:
Why climb Everest? Ice sheet's a brute to struggle with (7,3,5)
Why climb Everest? Ice sheet's a brute to struggle with (7,3,5)
The context of the surface meaning of the next clue is that Nigel Farage is a populist English politician who played dishonestly on the voters' fears of unlimited immigration during the lead-up to the referendum on the UK's departure from the European Union. He was also a Member of the European Parliament.
Lies lead to Farage, as reality gets distorted (5,5)
'Lies' is the definition, the 'lead to Farage' is the letter F and 'gets distorted' indicates an anagram.
Finally, to solve the last clue today, it helps to know about a long-running BBC radio programme in which people in the public eye are asked to choose their music for a life on a desert island:
I'd over a hundred in the ship but only eight when shipwrecked (5)
A hundred is the letter C and the ship is SS.
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