Sunday 22 August 2021

Sonnet for Silenced Singers

 Bare Ruin’d Choirs”

The church hall sleeps in evening silence now

The singers’ cars no longer line the lane

The maestro’s voice that rucked the tenor’s brow

No longer snaps “Repeat that last refrain”.

A speckless microbe felled the human giant

Who’s now confined to languish in his den.

With Government instructions e’er compliant

No consort, choir or chorus sings Amen.

From data coming in they’re getting wiser,

And lab-coats warn the virus “We’ll subdue ya”.

With jabs from AstraZeneca and Pfizer,

They can now let rip again with “Alleluia!”

    Their joyful choral cadences restored,

    In four-part harmony they’ll “Praise the Lord”.

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